School Assessment and Promotion System
Regular and objective assessment of each student’s performance is carried out through tests and periodic examination. Report cards are issued after each examination.
Class Nursery and KG: Regular assessments are done on a daily basis.
Grade I-IV: Will have Mid Term tests in each subject every term,Half Yearly and Annual Examination.
Grades will also be allotted on the basis of their day-to-day work.
Grade V-VIII: Will have 2 Mid Term tests in each subject every term,Half Yearly and Annual Examination.
Grade IX&XI: Will have 2 Mid Term tests in each subject in both the terms,Half Yearly Examination and Annual Examination.
Grade X & XII: 2Mid Term tests in each subject in First Term, Half Yearly,Preliminary A and Preliminary B and Preliminary C Examination.
- Leave on the day prior to any Test/Exam is not permitted; unless there is a leave letter from the parent stating a valid reason. Repeated absence prior to an exam/class test is not allowed unless a doctor’s certificate is brought by the child.
- In case of illness, Parents should not send a child to the school only for the test. The child will be sent back without taking a test.
- If a child is absent due to certain unavoidable reasons or illness, the office must be informed. The Principal reserves the right to deal with each case on its merit. The decision of the Principal will be final.
- All the checked test papers are to be signed by the parents.
- Any child who does not appear for the Term Exams has to give a written application. He/ She will be promoted to the next class on the basis of one re-exam or the year’s performance only if he/she fulfills the attendance rule. The final decision will lie with the Principal.
- The School takes strict action against any malpractices during the Tests/Examinations.
Evaluation of the academic performance will be based on the examinations conducted and the assignments given in the academic session. Pass mark for the student is 40% in each subject.
Promotion to the next class depends on the full academic sessions work, regular attendance, overall development and ability to cope with the next step in the student’s education.